Medina, Oh (July 12, 2008) - The NEO Rock 'n' Roller Girls from Akron hosted the "B" travel team from Columbus' Ohio Roller Girls Gang Green and succumbed to the fortitude of the flesh eaters in a 98-51 game in the bout that took its name from KISS DestroyHer.
After the second period Gang Green had a 16 point lead and one could safely have said it was anyone's game and in Roller Derby that kind of gap can be closed in one good jam. But that's not what happened. The NRRG managed to go down valiantly, but still fell to the mightier team. Had it not been for the fact that NRRG borrowed some players from their sisters in Cleveland, the Burning River Roller Girls, they would have certainly been beaten to within inches of their ego. That being the case, the NRRG team was impressive in that they managed to hold fast against a travel team that has been practicing and bouting together for some time, whereas the NRRG team had maybe one solid scrimmage practice together with the on-loan skaters.
Hannah Bull, on loan from BRRG, was the top scoring skater for the NRRG with 20, which is amazing considering that she had 15 penalties and spent 6 jams in the penalty box. Chrissie B. Hynde was scoring impressively as well with 9, but also appeared to feel at home in the penalty box.
But the high scorer for the evening was Wendra Woman from Gang Green with a whopping 49. With her small frame one would expect that she'd be knocked around like a rag doll, but this skater comes to the jammer line with what appears to be a runner's stance and training. She's fast to say the least and impressive to watch. All but for the jam in the third period where she was blocked to the inside and grabbed hold of visiting ref Great Scott's jersey to help keep her from making a cut track violation, she demonstrated the speed and agility that is expected of a jammer.
Next month the NRRG will take on the HissyFits from Lehigh Valley, PA in the bout that would make Mick Jagger proud: FearSome Girls on August 9th at Pinnacle Sports in Medina.
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