A winning team that gives back is holding tryouts
Tallmadge, Ohio (10-21-2009) - NEO Rock ‘n’ Roller Girls of Akron will be hosting an open recruitment for its 2010 season this Wednesday at the Summit County Fairgrounds Arena Complex from 7-10pm. This is open recruitment is for anyone interested in becoming a part of Akron’s most accomplished league.
This first round of recruitment is targeted at anyone who may not have any previous experience on skates or knowledge of the game, but certainly more skilled skaters are welcome. In January, the league will host tryouts which will ultimately be targeted toward those that have the skills to participate in a rigorous training schedule as well as compete with WFTDA leagues.
If you have no knowledge of current flat track roller derby, let me give you the low-down. Skaters skate in quad speed skates and are required to wear regulation protective gear. This isn’t the old days of fake fighting. There are numerous rules to abide by and safety is the number one concern.
NEO is a WFTDA Apprentice league, which means we adhere to the WFTDA guidelines and rule-set (WFTDA stands for Women’s Flat Track Derby Association). This is a very aggressive sport that requires a lot of athleticism. We practice three times a week and many of us augment that with strength training outside of practice.
We are a league ran 100% by women.
We follow the motto of “for the skaters, by the skaters,” so that means not only do we get to skate, but it’s up to us to plan everything else as well. We get to decide what events we do and how we do them. So not only are you joining a sports team, but you’re joining an organization that strives to give back to the community by donating proceeds as well as volunteering for worthy causes. That doesn’t mean, however, that if you’re not a skater you can’t get involved. Because this is a “do it yourself” sport, we always need volunteers including referees, track officials, merchandise people etc.
If you’ve been interested, curious or have been dreaming of this your whole life, come out and show the world what you’re made of. We believe in you, now it’s your turn.
For more information visit us at NEORollerDerby.com or send us your contact information to newrecruits@nrrgirls.com
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